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EuCAP 2023

IDS announces 1 grant opportunity at EuCAP 2023

IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi, a Fincantieri NexTech company, is pleased to announce that it will offer 1 grant to very early career researchers for EuCAP 2023, Europe’s flagship conference on antennas and propagation, which will take place in Florence from 26th to 31st March.

The grant consists of EUR 1,000 for travel and subsistence, the Early Bird Younger Researcher registration, as well as an invitation to the conference dinner. The grants will be announced during the conference dinner on Wednesday 29 March 2023.

Authors of accepted papers are invited to send their application by 27 January 2023 at the latest. Very early careers researchers (just graduated, Ph.D. Student, and Ph.D. up to one year after the dissertation) are encouraged to apply. The awardee will be selected based on the author’s potential or demonstrated aptitude for research and their financial situation.


Application requirements

To be considered for the travel grant, applicants are required to provide the following:

  • Motivational letter (max ½ page)
  • Brief resumé (max 2 pages)
  • Full conference paper
  • 10-digit paper ID

The grant will be transferred to the awardee after the conclusion of the conference, conditional on the awardee’s participation at the conference.


Application deadline

Please submit your motivational letter, resumé, conference paper, and a copy of the conference paper acceptance to with “IDS Travel grant” and a clear statement of your paper ID from EDAS in the subject line no later than 27 January 2023. The Successful candidate will be notified by 14 February 2023.


The EuCAP Awards and Grants committee together with a representative of IDS will make the selection of the final recipient of the grant.


For more information please visit: